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January 30, 2017

Philippe Wirth studied business management at the University of Zurich (lic. oec. publ.) with a focus on finance and accounting. After working in auditing, he moved to the Mettler Toledo Group, where he held various positions in group accounting. After several years as the head of finance and controlling at subsidiaries of the Mettler Toledo Group in Switzerland and the USA, he took over the management of a global business transformation project that involved all processes in sales, service, production, development, finance and IT in Europe, the USA and China.

Philipp Wirth will assume responsibility for the role of CFO as a member of Executive Management at CREALOGIX as of 1 May 2017.

The previous CFO, Rolf Lichtin, has decided to leave CREALOGIX at the end of April and take over the same role at Abraxas. Executive Management and the Board of Directors would like to thank Rolf Lichtin for his extraordinary commitment and his significant contribution to the ongoing development of the CREALOGIX Group.

Executive Management and the Board of Directors wish both gentlemen great success in their new roles.

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January 12, 2017
CREALOGIX and Deloitte are entering a partnership for the training for the new MiFID II guideline: from now on, a digital training programme focussing on investor protection will be available to financial institutes. Staff and management can use it to efficiently prepare for the introduction of the new guidelines.
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