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August 30, 2018
Improved customer experience for St.Galler Kantonalbank with CREALOGIX Solutions

St.Galler Kantonalbank (SGKB)  progresses its digitalisation strategy for enhanced customer satisfaction and relies on CREALOGIX public APIs to achieve this. Through the APIs, corporate customers can easily and securely link their online accounts with SGKB Digital Banking - payment transactions and account reconciliation which are thus seamlessly integrated into online accounts. With this expanded offering, SGKB is setting another milestone in its digitalisation strategy.

The extensions of the CREALOGIX Digital Banking Hub, developed jointly by St.Galler Kantonalbank and CREALOGIX, have reached a new level of digital sophistication. The cantonal bank opens access to its Digital Banking service via CREALOGIX Public APIs. The PSD2-compliant solution meets the highest security standards and enables third parties, for example, business software providers, such as Bexio or Abacus, to gain access through the established standard, OAUTH2. The first step involves connecting the online account to the Digital Banking service for corporate customers.

Falk Kohlmann, Head of Digital Banking at St.Galler Kantonalbank, says:

"Billing and payment transactions are particularly important for companies. With the API solution from CREALOGIX, we enable our customers to make payments or access transactions and account balances – all via a uniform standard in their respective online accounting solutions. Depending on customer needs, other online accounting solutions can also be integrated. This makes processes more efficient for SMEs and we can make a contribution to the digitalisation of our customers."

With this introduction, SGKB is one of the first banks in Switzerland to take a major step towards Open Banking.

Marc Stähli, Vice President Global Sales at CREALOGIX, says:

"The goal was to help our customers focus more on the future. CREALOGIX's open platform strategy enables our customers to significantly increase customer satisfaction through a larger range of products."

A new app for the entire SGKB offering

As part of its digitalisation strategy, SGKB is also expanding its offering for private customers, which focuses on the Mobile First approach. The CREALOGIX Mobile Application Platform (MAP) is the gateway to all mobile services of St.Galler Kantonalbank. Secure authentication into the customer-specific portal takes place via FaceID or TouchID.

Marc Stähli, Vice President Global Sales at CREALOGIX, says:

"With the new SGKB app, bank customers always have an overview of their account balance and can immediately check whether they can achieve their savings targets with #HäschCash. With CardOne Self-Service, they can also manage their debit cards on their smartphones and lock them with a simple swipe in the event of theft and without great effort – the customer has everything in their control."


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