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August 23, 2017
Recoginition as leading digital financial advisory firm

Wealth and Finance International has named CREALOGIX the top fintech firm for the “Digital Financial Advisory” solution. The solution provides extensive support to advisors in the customer care process in preparing for and conducting client meetings. The solution is designed for continuous hybrid consulting, which is achieved through the seamless integration into the CREALOGIX digital banking portal. The panel of experts found that the MiFID II-compliant solution is an optimal tool for meeting today’s more stringent requirements in private and retail banking.

The CREALOGIX Digital Financial Advisory solution for advisors brings personal and digital client relationships to the next level.

Marc Stähli, Head of Sales and CMO of CREALOGIX, says:

“Interaction between clients and advisors is continuously changing due to the wide range of possibilities to inform one’s self about investment opportunities and products. Banks are reacting to this by deploying our Digital Financial Advisory as a new digital tool that helps their advisors by making client meetings more efficient and focused. It also allows the client themselves to become actively involved in the advice process."

Stähli adds:

“Our solution helps financial institutions exploit their full advisory and asset management capacity to a greater degree. It enables them to optimally tailor their entire advisory process, their service offering and advisor workload to specific client segments and their requirements. Online portfolio monitoring with configurable notification and alarm functions enables faster response times. It furthermore helps banks save resources for compliance with regulations like MiFID II, as these are integrated in the corresponding workflows of the solution."

The panel of experts from trade journal Wealth and Finance International were impressed by the many different application areas of the solution. They presented CREALOGIX with the Fintech Award as leading digital financial advisory firm.

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