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February 25, 2016
Successful roll out of a hybrid consulting platform at Bankhaus August Lenz

A bank becomes a driver of innovation in digitalisation. With the help of ELAXY, the private German bank Bankhaus August Lenz is introducing a digital milestone in form of a fully digitalised hybrid consulting platform. The solution, developed in just 9 months, is already primed for MiFID II and PRIIP and is seamlessly integrated into the bank’s digital structure, particularly in conjunction with the online banking system and personal finance management solution.

Bankhaus August Lenz primarily specialises in individual and sustainable investment consulting. In order to provide perfect conformance with the growing regulatory requirements in personal consulting and to simplify complex processes, the bank set out to find a digital solution for the needs of financial advisors (Family Banker®) and their clients. The process was focused on mapping the possibilities of asset generation and on the areas of retirement provision and healthcare, as well as risk hedging.

The principle of this comprehensive digital client consulting solution is simple: The client consultant uses an application on his or her PC, laptop or tablet that includes structured consulting processes with all client and product data, as well as all regulatory specifications. During an introduction, the client learns about this visually appealing, interactive application, establishes his or her personal financial goals and priorities, and compares various financial products, enabling the client to make a more informed decision.

Consultant dashboards provide for efficient client relationship management, offering a transparent presentation of important client information, such as due dates, follow-ups and birthday reminders. Developed in a close cooperation between ELAXY and Bankhaus August Lenz, this new consulting platform will be rolled out soon, and will cover the consulting areas of financial investment, retirement provision and risk hedging.

This new, fully digitalised client consulting platform is seamlessly integrated with Bankhaus August Lenz's online banking system and personal finance management solution ‘€inBlick’, which allows users to manage third-party accounts as well. Both solutions were developed by ELAXY, and ‘€inBlick’ was awarded the Customer Innovation Prize 2015 by the German Institute for Service Quality (Deutschen Institut für Service-Qualität, DISQ).

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