Deutsche Kreditbank AG
DKB is one of the fastest growing retail banks in Europe
With over 3,000,000 customers DKB is also one of the 3 largest direct banks in Germany. Their enterprise strategy is based on an infrastructure with few branches and a focus on selected customer categories in the private customer, corporate customer and public customer sectors. In this case, private banking is operated exclusively as direct banking.
- Strong growth from 140,000 to over 3 million customers.
- Rapid time-to-market for product and service innovations.
- Integration of partner products and services (e.g. credit cards, vouchers, PayPal accounts, etc.)
Digital banking solution, including online banking, online brokerage, self-service processes, online applications, online campaigns, Touch ID, post box, content management system, etc.
Enhanced customer retention and customer satisfaction
90% of customers are “highly satisfied”, 97% would recommend DKB. Cross-selling could be increased significantly. Launch of new, more innovative products possible in weeks instead of months.

Satisfied customers