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April 28, 2022
CREALOGIX recognised at The Digital Banker CX awards
 Digital CX Awards 2022
Management & Governance
Almir Marghella CREALOGIX
Almir Marghella
Managing Director Central & Eastern Europe

We were delighted to have been recognised twice in The Digital Banker CX awards for 2022. We always appreciate industry recognition for our expert, hard working team and the industry-leading solutions that they create, but these awards are particularly special.

The Digital Banker received over 600 entries from 138 organisations around the world. The two awards we have received from The Digital Banker were Best CX in Retail Banking and Best CX in Wealth Management and reflect how much work has gone into the UX and UI of Digital Hub and how much it is valued by financial institutions and their customers.

Elevating the customer experience in retail banking

The banking landscape is changing rapidly. The arrival of fintech challengers and the entry of BigTech into the banking sphere have meant that innovation is continuing at pace and customer expectations are rising. However, banks must balance the need for innovation with security and regulatory requirements. The key for banks is to focus on their customers and create a solution that delivers seamless journeys for a positive CX. This is more than just the latest innovation in technology or the best UI (User Interface) and UX (User Experience) on an app – although these are important – but the ability to use different channels, to speak with an advisor or use self-service depending on the task and each customer’s preference.

Premium customer service for digital wealth tools

Wealth management as an industry has always prioritised customer service and the personal touch. Successful digital wealth tools do not seek to replace in-person services with a digital interface, but to create a personalised service that adds value to customers and augments the firm’s brand online. The demand for digital wealth tools is growing, but as with retail banking, it’s important to prioritise people over technology. While the possibilities of technology are endless, putting the customer at the heart of any digital strategy is what will create a positive CX. As with banking, a positive UX and a clear UI are a great start, but it’s only one part of the picture. Digital tools need to interact with real-life services in order to connect with real-life people.

Celebrating awards success for CREALOGIX Digital Hub

As I said at the start, everyone at CREALOGIX was delighted to learn that we had won two important awards for CREALOGIX Digital Hub. As well as the prestige and recognition of our world-class solution, the focus on CX really resonates with our team. Our focus on UX and seamless services via Digital Hub is shown to create a positive customer experience and that’s where the real reward lies. These awards are a signal to our team that we’re heading in the right direction and we’ll continue to put the customer at the heart of everything we do in order to provide award-winning, industry leading front-end SaaS solutions to the financial services sector.

Learn more about our expertise and commitment to UX in the UX issue of CREALOGIX Insights:

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