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June 12, 2023
Digital application and approval management: Save time, increase efficiency
CREALOGIX Blog: Digtal application and approval management
Application management
Public sector
Michael Bramm, Head of Customer Implementation Services CEE
Michael Bramm
Market Unit Lead Public Finance

Application and approval processes are an important part of the day-to-day business of many public organisations. However, these processes are often time-consuming, prone to errors and inefficient because they are still manual and paper-based. A digital application and approval platform can provide a solution.

What is digital application management?

Applications and approvals are recorded, processed and archived electronically. All relevant information is automatically processed in standardised processes. A digital software solution delivers significant advantages because all application processes become faster, more secure and more cost-effective. Errors are minimised and transparency is improved throughout the organisation. In addition, all parties involved can access the data relating to an application at any time and regardless of their location.

What are the advantages of a digital application and approval portal?

  1. Time and cost savings: By using cloud-based software, you can save time and money by using digitised processes. This reduction in overall costs ensures better profitability.
  2. Reduction of complexity: Application processes are created and managed more easily, quickly and in a more understandable way due to greater transparency.
  3. Increased efficiency: With a digital solution, processes can be made more efficient. Applications can be processed faster because data is captured and processed digitally. Thanks to process optimisation, the administrative staff has more time to focus on the essential activities.
  4. Transparency: With a digital portal, all information is stored centrally and can be retrieved at any time. This means that all parties involved can view the current status of applications and approvals, at any time. This increases transparency, improves collaboration and reduces the number of enquiries. The full digitization of application management is also in line with many public or government initiatives requiring greater digitisation.
  5. Security: Data processing is carried out in accordance with the highest security and data protection standards.

Application and approval software offers many advantages for public administration. Time and costs are saved, processes are made more efficient and there is greater collaboration throughout each process. This relieves the burden on administrative staff and helps to provide rapid customer or applicant support.

Low-code software for digitizing applications

The powerful and standardised low-code application management software from CREALOGIX manages the entire application cycle end-to-end in a structured manner. Put your trust in the CREALOGIX Portal – already proven to be the market leader among development finance institutions (DFI) in Germany. While the administration is doing good for society, CREALOGIX supports your digitalisation in a targeted manner with its holistic application and approval platform – in order to create freedom for the administration and improve public services.

Download the fact sheet to get to know the solution better.

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