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Crealogix Blog


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Digital Banking
As they earn, save, and inherit, how do young Millennials feel about the investing services of traditional wealth management firms? There's quite a perception gap for these brands to overcome, argues guest writer, Hannah Duncan
Digital Banking
Open Banking
Dr. Richard Dratva
In a period of upheaval driven by Corona, time is money. It's no longer enough to do the same as the challengers. Instead, established banks should outperform them.
Digital Banking
Open Banking
Dr. Richard Dratva
The supposed risk of sharing one's own customer data with potential competitors is completely overshadowed by the much higher inherent risk of not taking full advantage of the opportunities offered by open banking.
Digital Banking
Mobile Banking
Dr. Richard Dratva
Disruption may have been a frequent topic of conversation in recent years, and yet hardly anyone foresaw such drastic changes as we are experiencing right now.
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